Weather Gurus - Analysis on Global Temperature Anomalies

INFO 523 - Spring 2023 - Project 1

Omid Zandi, Mohammad Farmani, Priom Mahmud, Praveen Kumar Pappala, Deema Albluwi, and Remi Hendershott


  • The dataset contains four CSV files, providing temperature anomalies across different spatial and temporal scales for a long period from 1880 to 2022. We’ll analyze yearly temperature anomalies datasets to assess global and hemispheric trends.

  • Additionally, we’ll focus on seasonal anomalies, examining for the Northern Hemisphere and their inverted counterparts for the Southern Hemisphere.

Question 1: Analysis on Zonal Temperature Anomalies

  • We analysed the temperature anomalies across the latitudinal zones of earth. The approach involved two distinct methods:

    1. Heatmap Visualizaton
    1. Ridge Plot Visualization

Heat Map

Ridge Plot

Question 2: Analysis on Seasonal Temperature Anomalies

  • We compared the pattern of seasonal temperature anomalies over the Northern and Southern hemispheres separately and collectively. For this, we used:

    1. Time Series Analysis
    1. Box Plot Visualization

Time Series Analysis - Line plot



  • In conclusion, the proposed analysis of global surface temperature anomalies offers valuable insights into understanding climate change trends and their impacts on various regions.

  • Through visualizations and analysis, the project seeks to inform strategic planning and adaptation measures to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on human livelihoods and ecosystems.

  • This endeavour underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and data-driven approaches in addressing the challenges posed by climate change.